Back on stage: Eros at Gate 69, Cape Town – Feb to May 2021

What: Eros Where: Gate69 Address: 87 Bree Street, Cape Town, 8001. Note – Eros is a LIVE show. It is not online When: From February 2021 –until end of May 2021 – if Covid numbers stay stable Bookings: Tickets: R390 – R450 – includes tequila flavoured purple soft serve ice-cream Time: 7.30pm. Suggested arrival time- 6.30pm –red carpet, Covid protocols Dress code: Masks mandatory (wear a glam one), get smart Info: 021 035 1627/071 589 2915 Corporate bookings:  

In December 2020, when Covid numbers went mad with that blasted new variant, Gate69 brought the curtain down on its festive season show, Eros. The show was put on pause on December 19. With infection rates stable, Gate69 recently re-opened [Feb 10, 2021], with Eros. This means we can be festive in February and after the angst of January, we need to de-compress. As always, TheCapeRobyn advises patrons to consider health issues. If you are diabetic- no- don’t go but don’t go to the supermarket or anywhere. If you struggle with your health; stay home. We are hearing claims that according to so-called ‘pandemic theory’ – pandemics last two years- at least. Some are claiming that Covid is here for ‘years’. It is all conjecture. And if the pandemic does linger for a year or more, what then? Are we  not going to go anywhere for the next year, two, five? The answer is that there is no answer. Gate69’s Brendan Van Rhyn (aka Cathy Specific), quips: “We’ve all learned the hard way that we have no f@&*ing idea what the future holds, so let’s make  heeeeeey (gurl) while the sun shines, get out there and live a little… In other words – GET BOOKING!”

Theatre shows in Joburg have sold out – at The Market and Roodepoort Theatre. Gate69 is sold out for this weekend – February 18, 19, 20 – but check back for returns. Nothing beats live and people are venturing back to theatre, masks on, eager to get away from their computer and TV screens- significant others and those who have not left since lockdown – adult children, in-laws.  The bottom line- and I repeat this during Covid – is that each time – we venture out the door- we take a measured risk. I know people who have worn two masks, shields, gloves, who have been ‘ultra-careful’, avoiding indoor spaces and they have not dodged the virus. “Stay safe”, well, we do the best we can – masks on and sanitizing our hands raw. I love going to Gate69 and with its travel themed venue – business class, premium class and economy class seats, I get a sense of the thrill of waiting at the airport at the departure gate. I love the creativity, energy, spunk, zest, zany costumes and sets. Christopher Dungeon’s scripts are clever and filled with mirth, kindness, empathy. The Trolley Dollies are upbeat, self-deprecating and always a tonic. Tessa Denton’s wigs get wackier with each show. The play list is always inspired with skewed lyrics inserted in strategic spots.  I walk out with a sense of optimism. I need optimism. I am looking forward to seeing Eros. Review will follow.

Back on stage at Gate69, Cape Town, Feb to May 2021: Eros. In this pic- Kyle Jardine, Sean John Louw and Tyla Dee Nurden.

Eros at Gate69- 2021 season  

Cathy Specific – Brendan van Rhyn Dr Know-It-All – Christopher Dudgeon Nurse Fokkol – Rudi Jansen Dancers – Kyle Jardine, Sean John Louw, Tyla Dee Nurden Director – Christopher Dudgeon Choreographer – Sven-Eric Muller Musical director – Melissa van der Spuy Lighting – Christopher Dudgeon Sound – Eastern Acoustics Costumes – Organic Canvas + Tessa Denton Wigs – Tessa Denton