Health: Holistic entrepreneur, Michelle Campbell taking Green Cat Health Organic Health Products to new highs
Who: Michelle Campbell, holistic entrepreneur, South Africa Business: Green Cat Health Organic Health Products Green Cat Organic Health Cape Town store: Contact Delene 0832627246 or e-mail Facebook: Instagram: Website: |
Michelle Campbell is a holistic entrepreneur extraordinaire. She is a herbalist and healer and the owner of Green Cat Health Organic Health Products–a proudly South African business – which is focused on mind, body and soul. Green Cat Health was established after Campbell overcame her own health issues, with the treatment of CBD oil. Healing herself, she set out to share her extensive knowledge of CBD [Cannabidiol- an extract from the Cannabis plant], by developing a range of products. Clients loved the range and Campbell opened her first shop and launched an online store. Green Cat Health outlets have evolved into healing centres – offering treatments for clients and home visits for those unable to go into a store. For example, it has holistic oncologist nurses on call; a wonderful service; particularly during lockdown and the pandemic.
TheCapeRobyn: During Covid, people have been turning to natural remedies and also been looking for personal attention. Can you tell us how your Green Cat Health has pivoted during Covid and the pandemic?
Michelle Campbell: During the lockdown period we quickly became an essential services provider and offered free home delivery. We placed more emphasis on our online store. We knew that many would be without incomes, so we grew our resellers programme offering a 40% commission on any sale. This grew to over 80 agents who used and sold our medications in their communities. We lowered our prices as we knew people would be pinched and we developed more products around what they needed -such as immune boosters and meds for stress, anxiety, sleeplessness etc.
TheCapeRobyn: In addition to CBD based products, Green Cat Health also offers therapies and provide information about dealing with acnes, infertility etc?
Michelle Campbell: Our stores have evolved into healing centres where people can go for advice, treatments and full body scans. We do home visits. We have a Green Cat Health oncologist nurse for home visits. We are now a one-stop shop for everything -health and wellness related. We are also branching into the world of natural aesthetics and can offer services such as non-surgical tummy and face lifts, acne and stretch mark scarring and so much more.
TheCapeRobyn: From early beginnings, your range is now extensive and its success has hinged on research and development?
Michelle Campbell: I now have over 100 products in my own range which I developed from scratch, working with aMaster Herbalist and Ayurvedic doctor with more than three decades of experience in her field. Our oils are regularly tested for purity. We do not use any chemicals, solvents or toxins in the processing. We use only heat and agitation to extract all of the healing chemical compounds out of the plant and deposit them into a good quality carrier oil. Our products are non-toxic, chemical free, vegan, cruelty free and organic.
TheCapeRobyn: Can you tell us about micro-dosing – the dispensing of products in small doses?
Michelle Campbell: The principle of micro-dosing, is about drip feeding remedies into the system- in small/tiny amounts. Homeopathy uses the same principles. With anything organic, the theory is that the body will take what it needs and it will expel the rest. Micro-dosing builds up in the system. It is unlikely that one will overdose with these products. Worst case scenario, you will sleep it off. Your system will adjust to what it needs.
TheCapeRobyn: You are qualified in Ayurveda. Do you practice Ayurveda?
Michelle Campbell: Yes I do. I consult and work out treatment protocols for patients and I walk with them on their journey to homeostasis
TheCapeRobyn: When did you journey as a healer start?
Michelle Campbell: As a child, I “healed” my dolls and animals. I did not have a mathematical brain to study medicine and my career took me into PR and media. However, with my interest in health and the body, I began a lifelong journey into the world of health and wellness. As a 19 year old student, smoking cannabis with my peers, I noticed a pattern when we smoked around an old, arthritic dog, we saw that for a few hours, she looked like she was pain free. I grasped that there was more to this plant than just for recreational use. From that point, I began to research cannabis and CBD and its use in different cultures.
TheCapeRobyn: What turned your two decade interest in CBD into pursuing a business?
Michelle Campbell: In 2018 while travelling solo through the East, I was plagued by nasty fibroids in my uterus. On my return to SA, I had to undergo a hysterectomy. I had completed my child bearing years, so this seemed a viable option. The operation went well, but there were complications- deadly and life-threatening septicaemia and excruciating pain. I asked my son to bring cannabis oil, to the hospital. After a few hours, I felt relief. A few days later, I left the hospital, vowing to assist others with healing themselves. I set up my business, from my home in St Francis Bay in the Eastern Cape. I had been interested in cannabis and CBD for years, so I had that knowledge base to draw on. I bought equipment and dry herbs and made bottles of oil for people I knew who were sick or in need. Word quickly got around. I could not keep up with orders and I realised it was time to open a store.
TheCapeRobyn: What message would you like to share with others who might want to pursue a path the health and wellness sector?
Michelle Campbell: When I started this business, my objective was never to chase money, but rather to heal others. That is my life path mission. The more I focused on that- healing -the more doors opened. There were set backs and road blocks but making mistakes is part of the journey. People are always going to have needs. The key to being a good entrepreneur is to predict those needs before they do.
TheCapeRobyn: You grew up in PE, but now live in St Francis and steer the business from there?
Michelle Campbell: I run everything from my laptop and cellphone and try to get to my stores as often as possible. We have stores in Cape Town (Kuils River) Port Elizabeth and St Francis Bay and two pop-up stores in Jeffrey’s Bay and Camps Bay. We have agents dotted all over the country and our online store ships country-wide.
TheCapeRobyn: Expanding your brand, TV series, Green Warriors, is in development. What is the update on that – August 2021?
Michelle Campbell: This has been on hold for the last 18 months, during lockdown. I will be working on this project again soon. Watch this space.

❇ Featured image: Michelle Campbell – herbalist and healer – owner of Green Cat Health Organic Health, South Africa. Sponsored content. This interview has been marginally edited for length and clarity. Images supplied.