In the Limelight: Umhlanga-based entrepreneur, Janice Chetty, embracing business and community advocacy
After being retrenched, during the pandemic, Umhlanga-based entrepreneur, Janice Chetty, started Dynamic Outlook (a business solutions company which includes recruitment, training, payroll and accounting) and laid the groundwork for Mirriam’s Mission (a non-profit and social advocacy project). Chetty seamlessly combines social advocacy and community work with several businesses she established and operates. During the pandemic, she also launched a learning platform, working with an IT company in India. Chetty is working on another start-up, a make-up line, Lady of Purpose (scheduled for launching in 2024). She is mindful of the research and time, required to get a product line, ready for the market and although she is involved in multiple projects, she has time for social advocacy which she regards as core to her commitment to the wider community.
Combining business with social advocacy
You are CEO of Dynamic Outlook and Founder of Mirriam’s Mission NPC – a non-profit company focusing on youth education, and inspired by and established in the memory of your late grandmother. Were both these businesses started in the pandemic? Janice Chetty: “Dynamic Outlook was started last year [2021] April which the pandemic was still going on. Mirriam’s Mission is going to be officially launched on the October 7, 2022, with a Golf Day. My dream was always been to start my own NPC, in memory of my granny. This year marks 10 years of her passing and that’s why I saw it fitting to launch it this year.”
Creating businesses during the pandemic
Dynamic Outlook was established when you lost your job, due to the Covid crunch. The many services provide by the company, include recruitment and payroll. Were you working in recruitment before starting Dynamic Outlook? Janice Chetty: “In my previous role I handled the recruitment role for the head office, as well as the Human Resources Department. So yes, I did have a background in recruitment and human resources for about business years before embarking on opening up my own recruitment agency. We are a business solutions company and we offer other services, such as corporate SETA accredited training, accounting services and payroll services.”
Working from home or back to office as we go back to ‘normal’
Jobs have shifted dramatically in the pandemic, with many companies choosing to keep the workforce at home. Do you think this will continue, as we move back to ‘normal’? In terms of trends, are companies recruiting with the idea of people working from home? Janice Chetty: “It depends firstly on the nature of the business and the role of the job as to whether this job or business can operate remotely. I am finding that most of my clients want their staff to work from the office. I have not come across many companies that are offering remote jobs. In saying this, there are also many companies that want to save on overhead costs. Having staff work from home, especially during the pandemic, saved on overhead and some may continue with that model. Many companies realised that their staff was responsible enough to work from home and business carried on as normal. Going forward, it all depends on each company’s needs.”
Launching start-ups including a make-up line in 2024
You are currently working on launching three projects- a dating platform, a platform to “improve test results for learners” and what is the third? Janice Chetty: “My 3rd project will be to create my own makeup line called Lady of Purpose. This will happen within the next 24 months. There is a lot of research that needs to happen first before launching this. In the next 12 months I will be doing research and creating samples for the make-up line and will launch this in 2024.”
Entrepreneurship, social advocacy and responsibility
You mix entrepreneurship with social advocacy and responsibility. Do you come from a family background where community work was important? Obviously your grandmother inspired you in Mirriam’s Mission, but looking at your wider family – parents etc- would you say that social responsibility was instilled from a young age? Janice Chetty: “Yes I would definitely say that my family is always donating and giving, as a child growing up I remember that my parents would always give the helper more than just her salary and they would never refuse a beggar. They would always give them something. I was taught that it is better to give than to receive and helping others brings joy to our hearts. As a child I was taught that sharing is caring and helping the needy is a blessing.”
Launch of Miriam’s Mission
You plan an official launch of Mirriam’s Mission October 2022. Can you tell us about that and how can people get involved? Janice Chetty: “All proceeds and sponsorship from the launch on the October 7, 2022, the Golf Day at Beachwood Golf Course in Durban, will go towards the NPC. People can get involved by either attending the event, sponsoring items for the event or if they want to advertise their business as the main sponsor, they can by sending me an email: I will also be looking for volunteers to help us run the NPC projects. Companies and individuals are welcome to donate their time to these projects, get their staff involved.”
Inspiration and motivation
Which film or book inspired you recently or what are you reading or watching right now that you would like to share with readers? Janice Chetty: “The last book I have read is Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, which inspired me to follow my dreams and to be true to myself. The book teaches you, in life you will experience failures and that the world is full of trickery, however we learn from this and we get back up and follow our dreams. Never give up on your dreams and goals. Anything is possible. We are the creators of our reality. It is all about finding your life purpose and following this purpose whatever it may be.”
Janice Chetty Linkedin: Dyanamic Outlook Linkedin: Facebook: Instagram: Website: |
✳This interview has been marginally edited for length and clarity. Images supplied.