My Fellow South Africans – Marc Lottering- June 13, 2020, at 7.30pmlink available until June 20

Duration: 50 minutes

Featuring: Marc Lottering

Sign language: Two South African Sign Language Interpreters will be signing: Armand Kleinchmidt and Jabaar Mohamed

Tickets: R70

Direct booking link:

✳Details regarding streaming, below, scroll down. In brief: The show link will be available until June 20. People who have bought a ticket can watch live and/or any time from June 13-20. Tickets will be for sale for the entire period- June 13-20

Marc Lottering is doing his first solo lockdown show at 7.30pm on June 13. The show will beam out live from Penny Lane Studios in Wynberg. The link will be live until June 20. Details below. Lottering has agonized over doing the “streaming thingie”. Nothing beats live but for now, live streaming is what we have. Mindful of not streaming fatigue syndrome, the show will be 50 minutes. Less is more.

Marc Lottering: lockdown interview

TheCapeRobyn: This is your first stand-up lockdown show?

Marc Lottering:  As much as I’ve been resisting the idea of doing a livestream show – it seems to be the new reality for now.  We are not sure when we will get to return to the theatres again as we did previously.  Many of my followers have said that they would love to see a show during this time. So here we are.

TheCapeRobyn: Is the show scripted?

Marc Lottering: I am approaching this show exactly as I have approached all my other one man shows. I am working on the material in terms of stories that I would like to tell. It is always tricky for me to use the word scripted. We don’t follow a script in terms of the words but I am formulating ideas. I hope to stick to them as there is obviously a time limit. That is my approach.

TheCapeRobyn: Your reflections on being in lockdown in Cape Town?

Marc Lottering: Just a knowing that once lockdown is over, there are so many things that I won’t take for granted.  Seeing family in the same room and laughing with them.  Sitting in a coffee shop with strangers. 

TheCapeRobyn:  Projects that you have been involved with during lockdown? I am hearing from comics that are doing corporate virtual events- have you been doing this?

Marc Lottering: There have been invitations from corporates to jump onto zoom and motivate staff.  But it’s not been my thing.  Yet.  I’m still finding it strange to do comedy from your lounge, to a small group of corporate people watching you on zoom.

TheCapeRobyn: The Aunty Merle – It is a Girl tour was interrupted by the pandemic. It is impossible to predict what will happen regarding the opening of theatres so I don’t suppose there is any news on that front, for now?

Marc Lottering: When we finished Aunty Merle- It’s a Girl – there was still so many people who wanted to see it. And of course we had our tour set for Joburg. That was booked and Covid-19 happened so we couldn’t do that. We just don’t know about when theatres will open and what the rules and regulations will be. It is impossible to make a call now. We can’t for example promise people that they will get to see the show this year [2020].

My Fellow South Africans – Marc Lottering– at a glance – everything you need to know

Date of live stream show: June 13 at 7.30pm

Show streaming dates: After the show goes out live on Saturday June 13 at 7.30pm, the link will be available for watching until Saturday June 20, 7.30pm for those that have purchased tickets. Other people may buy tickets during this time at Quicket and will receive links to watch the show.

Tickets: R70

Duration of show: 50 minutes

Booking: Quicket

Direct booking link:

Comments bar: No. Lottering will be focussing on the show and not be looking at the comments bar

Age Restriction: Age advisory -12 (language)

How it works: After purchasing your ticket, you will receive an e-mail with a link, which grants access to the show

Access: Purchase your ticket and watch from 7.30pm on June 13. It will be streamed live, in real time. Watch it in real time and then rewind and watch again, all on one ticket purchase, until June 20. Lottering says: “It is like a movie.” Stop, start, pause, whatever. And if you loved the show, tell others and encourage them to buy tickets, using the link generated by Quicket on a new ticket purchase.

Organiser/co-producer: Aki Khan of Penny Lane Studios

Internet speed advisory: If you have high speed internet, you should be fine. If necessary, use your smart phone as a hot spot and connect from there. It is the viewer’s responsibility to check on internet. Check your bandwidth

Number of tickets on offer: There is no limit to number of tickets sold. Notwithstanding a global internet crash, the technology is in place to make sure that everything goes smoothly

What’s app helpline: Gayle on 072 070 7594 

Proceeds from ticket sales will be split between Marc Lottering, Penny Lane Studios and technicians (lighting, sound, cameras) involved with staging the show.