Salad Bowl is a surfing spot and so is Kitchen Windows. Vanilla Dream is an ice-cream parlour. Trawlers has been there for ever and makes the best slap chips.

This is a quickie ode to J-Bay. I am writing this in lockdown South Africa, during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is the night before Pesach (Passover) and there is cleaning and cooking to do but I am taking a step back to gaze at this beautiful sunrise –as you can see in the photo.

Sunrises are particularly beautiful in J-Bay. This pic is from 2012. It was an epic sunrise. We watched as we munched on waffles which we toasted under the grill; drizzled with honey.

J-Bay is a very happy place for me. #SurferTravelGuy surfs. J-Bay is rated as one of the top ten right hand point breaks in the world. He is in his element. As they say: ‘Only a surfer knows the feeling.’

I walk along the aloe fringed beaches, work and read. It is a lockdown for the soul. It is a restless place. When the swell is perfect, there is a low rumble but when the swell is off, then the waves crash and make a racket. In Afrikaans: Raaswater – noisy water. That is a good description.

TheCapeRobyn is a new website. With the Covid-19 pandemic, I have been writing about creatives who have gone online to try and generate income. The travel articles are in the drafts folder. However, I realise that we need to look forward to the future. We need to stop and look at the sunrises and sunsets. Here is my favourite J-Bay sunrise pic.

I will put up other articles that I have written, over the years, about J-Bay.

✔ When the pandemic is over, I recommend that you visit this surfing/fishing village.

Image credit: TheCapeRobyn/Robyn Cohen. Pic taken winter, 2012.