February 2024 line-up at The Drama Factory

Where: The Drama Factory
Address: 10 Comprop Sq, Henry Vos Close, Asla Business Park, Strand, Western Cape
Bookings: With credit card www.thedramafactory.co.za or contact 073 215 2290
Venue details: Parking is available at the venue, food and nibbles for sale  

It is a new month – February- and the Drama Factory is presenting a fab programme – with fun – comedy, music, family fare and entertainment. I saw Aaron McIlroy’s  A Vegan Killed My Marriage in 2023 and loved it. Here is my review: http://: https://thecaperobyn.co.za/review-soul-food-and-deliciously-funny-a-vegan-killed-my-marriage/ I am a big fan of Andre The Hilarious Hypnotist and he is on in the lineup. Read more here about Andre: https://thecaperobyn.co.za/insight-andre-the-hilarious-hypnotist-back-on-on-stage-in-south-africa-2023/

Read on for more about the fab Drama Factory programme. Info as supplied.

The Drama Factory presents a fabulous February programme which offers audiences a delicious selection of comedy, music and entertainment for the younger ones.  

February is the month of love and WE LOVE LIVE!’ says Sue Diepeveen, founder of The Drama Factory. There is nothing that can compare to experiencing a live performance, presented by the astounding South African talent we have here on our doorstep.”

February 2024 at a glance:

Drama Factory February 2024 at a glance:

Andrew Young – music –February 2  
Reünie – comedy with Frank Opperman –February 7-11   
SUMMER OF 69 – The Ultimate Bryan Adams Experience – music – February 9
Ka-BOOM! – family entertainment –February 16-18 Diamonds & Divas – music –February 16
Hoe Om Oor Jouself Te Kom – Tollie Parton – comedy (no under 18s) – February 17
A Vegan Killed My Marriage – comedy with Aaron McIlroy –February 21-24
Back to the Seventies – music – February 24
Andre The Hilarious Hypnotist – comedy February  28 & 29    

The full programme line-up:

Andrew Young – Timeless

With Andrew Young and Tony Drake

February 2 at 19h30


Tickets cost R180 / R200

Join International saxophonist Andrew Young and Cape Town’s own oianist Tony Drake for an unforgettable night of music! Experience the magic of jazz, blues, and swing with a modern twist. The music is set to take you on a journey through timeless classics, like old friends revisited. Get ready to tap your feet and sway to the rhythms of Take 5, Misty, Harlem Nocturn and Summertime. To Swing standards such as All of me and Autumn Leaves, 60s hits such as Stranger On the Shore, Girl From Ipanema and to the incomparable Blues of Santana and Gary Moore. Andrew Young takes his saxophone around the world, receiving outstanding reviews. It’s a night you won’t want to miss!


Frank Opperman / Geskryf deur Dana Snyman / Regie deur De Klerk Oelofse
Drama Comedy
Warning: Geen Onder 10 – Taal Gebruik
7, 8, 10 February at 19h30, 11 February at 16h00

R200 – R225

Dit is dieselfde skoolsaal, maar dis 40 jaar later. Ja, dis die 1980-matriekgroep se reünie soos beleef deur Petrus Boshoff, die verteller. Die voormalige matrieks word gekonfronteer met die spoke van die verlede en ‘n tragedie wat hulle 40 jaar gelede saam beleef het. Dana Snyman en Frank Opperman het al verskeie kere kragte saamgesnoer in die skep van eenmanstukke: Dana met die pen en Frank op die verhoog. Met Reünie is die sterk regisseurshand van De Klerk Oelofse bygevoeg. Verwag dieselfde fyn spot, deernis en ‘n tikkie nostalgie

Dana Snyman en Frank Opperman het al verskeie kere kragte saamgesnoer in die skep van eenmanstukke: Dana met die pen en Frank op die verhoog, onder meer met Die uwe, Pottie Potgieter, Rooikaart, Hond, Klaagliedere van dominee Tienie Benade en Donkie. Met Reünie is die sterk regisseurshand van De Klerk Oelofse bygevoeg. Verwag dieselfde fyn spot, deernis en ’n tikkie nostalgie.

Reünie was die topverkoper by Innibos 2023.  Kyknet Fietstas nominasie vir beste akteur and beste nuwe teks. 

SUMMER OF 69 – The Ultimate Bryan Adams Experience

Ant Kinnsey of Vocals and Bass / Malcolm Cassisa on Drums / Simon Kettleborough on Keyboards and Simon van Dugteran on guitar and vocals
Live music
9 February at 19h30

Tickets cost R200 / R180 

Having already rocked the stage with unforgettable sold-out performances, they’re back to deliver the magic of Bryan Adams once more, featuring 22 of his greatest pop and rock hits. This show follows the format of Bryan Adams’ epic Wembley Stadium concert where he performed all the amazing hits we know and love to an over 70 000 strong audience. With songs like Summer of 69′, Everything I do, Run to you, I need somebody, Have you ever really loved a woman, Cuts like a knife and more – this tribute show will present all the grit and romance that is Bryan Adams.


Performed by Sophie Joans, Tshiamo Moretlwe and Lize-Marie Wait.

Directed by Tshiamo Moretlwe. Written by Sophie Joans. Design by Lize-Marie Wait.

Children’s theatre
February 16 and 17 at 11am, 18 February at 15h00

Tickets cost R100 / R80

Step into a world where imagination knows no limits, and empathy takes center stage. Ka-BOOM! is the theatrical experience of a lifetime, tailored for adventurous spirits aged 9-13.

The Adventure Unfolds: Join Squish and Splat, two unlikely heroes, as they embark on a daring quest to rescue the ocean from a cunning plastic bag. It’s a journey that’s as entertaining as it is enlightening, combining the magic of puppetry with the humor of a Pixar movie. Our 45-minute puppetry performance engages young minds while addressing climate crisis, anxiety, and apathy in a playful, thought-provoking manner.

Ka-BOOM! is on a mission to reignite care for the natural world. This children’s theatre play has been carefully crafted to embody the struggle many face when dealing with environmental issues. We believe children learn best through play and role-play, in while we want to leave our young audiences with a powerful message, we also want everyone to have fun! Ka-BOOM! is part of UNIMA SA’s 2024 puppet theatre incubation program.

Diamonds & Divas featuring Johan Liebenberg & Chloe Eddy


February 16 at 19h30

Tickets cost R200 / R180

Experience the captivating collaboration of Johan Liebenberg, renowned for his stellar Neil Diamond renditions, and illustrious female vocalist, Chloe Eddy, in an extraordinary show featuring the crème de la crème of both male and female vocalists, as they showcase their best hits in a night filled with timeless classics. Enchanting duets such as “We’ve Got Tonight,” “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers,” “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me,” and “You Will Never Find Another Love Like Mine” will grace the stage, promising a night of musical bliss.   Together, Johan and Chloe will create an unforgettable evening, leaving you with memories to cherish.

Hoe Om Oor Jouself Te Kom – Tollie Parton

Tollie Parton in samewerking met Nico Scheepers / Music deur Louwtjie Rothman


GEEN onder 18’s 

February 17 at 20h00

Tickets cost R200

Politiek, hoe moeilik kan dit wees? ’n Fopdosser in die parlement? Is ons gereed? Kan ons oor onsself kom om dit moontlik te maak, of drink ons teveel pille? “Hoe om oor jouself te kom” is Tollie Parton se nuwe show wat sy in samewerking met Nico Scheepers geskep het. ’n Humoristiese blik op die binnewerking van Tollie se brein, en hoekom sy besluit het om … ag, kom kyk.

Tollie is nie vir fyngevoeliges nie. Haar skote is sterker as ooit en as jy braaf genoeg is om die uur deur te sit, wag daar ’n verrassing aan die einde. Jy weet? Ons almal soek mos ’n happy ending. En wie weet? Dalk het sy die oplossing? Dalk deel sy haar GROOT geheim. Snaaks, en bietjie TE eerlik. Kom, KOM!

‘n BAIE volwasse show.

A Vegan Killed My Marriage

Aaron McIlroy / Directed Craig Freimond
Warning: no under 16s – sensitive content
February 21, 22, 23 at 19h30, February 24 at 15h00

Tickets cost R220 / R200

The hilarious and extremely thought provoking one-hander, A Vegan Killed my Marriage, starring funny man, Aaron Mcilroy, written and directed by the multi award winning, Craig Freimond, comes to The Drama Factory.  

Mcilroy, well known for his many performances including the lunatic father, Mr Milton, in the Spud movie franchise, plays James, a red-blooded, meat-eating South African male. He is fully aware of the consistent concerns about the meat industry’s role in the impending climate catastrophe.

Over the years, he has done his best to studiously evade and ignore such concerns, until a work trip creates an unexpected double whammy, and he is shaken out of his comfort zone. Out of the blue, he becomes a vegetarian, not realising how unwelcome this change and his newfound fanaticism will be in his meat-eating home. The skirmishes at home escalate into a full-blown war. Could it be a midlife crisis? James, who only months before, had been the king of the braai, has had a change of heart and now demands an entirely meat-free home.

Winner of a Bronze Ovation Award at the 2023 National Arts Festival in Makhanda (Grahamstown), the comical and highly entertaining solo performance.

Back to the Seventies: ‘70s Tribute

James Marais and Monique Cassells


February 24 at 16h00

Tickets cost R180 / R160

Back to the Seventies – ‘70s Tribute is a mini-theatrical experience featuring the dynamic vocal and visual performances of James Marais and Monique Cassells, alternating as a duo and individual performers, who also do multiple costume changes throughout. The show celebrates some great artists and songs from this musically diverse decade, including the likes of The Doobie Brothers, Smokie, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Stealers Wheel, ABBA, Neil Diamond, The Carpenters, Elvis Presley, Queen, Cliff Richard and more!

Andre The Hilarious Hypnotist


February 28 and 29 at 19h30

Tickets cost R170

As you loved him so much last year, we invited him back!!  Often confused as a mentalist and magician, Andre The Hilarious Hypnotist is in fact and award winning comedian and stage hypnotist who has the audience int eh palm of his hands from the beginning of his show to the very end.

Andre The Hilarious Hypnotist celebrates a record breaking 31 years on stage as South Africa’s very own convener of the strange weird and wonderful.   Andre discovered his hypnotic calling after watching a performance of the late Max Collie in action.  No two shows are ever the same as the show’s strength lies in the fact that every night’s volunteers are completely different, leading to a diverse hilarious action-packed evening performance. With every person reacting differently to Andre’s suggestion, not even Andre knows what to expect when he steps up on stage.

At the end of the day the strength of the show lies on the volunteers of the evening and that is what makes Andre’s show such a feel good, funny, hilarious evening’s entertainment. It’s truly the only show in the country that can claim that it makes stars of your friends and family.

Bookings for all shows can be made at www.thedramafactory.co.za or contact 073 215 2290.

With its fully licensed bar and cosy, welcoming atmosphere, The Drama Factory is the perfect venue to enjoy top-quality entertainment with a group of friends or family. The solar-powered invertor ensures the show will always go on, even when there is load-shedding!

Make a staycation of a visit to The Drama Factory, booking in with one of their wonderful accommodation partners. Spend the night at The Views Guesthouse, 185 on Beach or Majorca House to enjoy the beauty and many other activities on offer in the surrounding Helderberg region. Visit the website for further details.

The Drama Factory is situated at 10 Comprop Sq, Henry Vos Close, Asla Business Park, Strand, Western Cape. Parking is available at the venue.

The Drama Factory

Established in 2017, The Drama Factory has become renowned as a prime destination for patrons to enjoy quality entertainment across a range of genres in a relaxed and welcoming environment. As well as showcasing mainstream productions, The Drama Factory offers creatives a venue to workshop performances, providing an affordable space for artists to bring their creative ideas to life. The Drama Factory hosts a number of training initiatives, including a theatre lighting training programme. Through its relationship with organisations such as the Anna Foundation and Masikhule, The Drama Factory enables opportunities for young theatre goers to attend performances and workshops, assisting to build audiences and artists for tomorrow.  Committed to providing a platform to nurture original South African theatre productions, The Drama Factory also co-produces new work, such as the What Did The Fox Say? series, which was sponsored by the Department of Sports, Arts and Culture.
The Drama Factory on social media

https://www.instagram.com/thedramafactory/ https://twitter.com/TheDramaFactor1    

✳Featured image- Aaron McIlroy in A Vegan Killed My Marriage which will be performed at The Drama Factory from February 21 to 24, 2024. Pic supplied. Sponsored content.